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Lily Lin 林 莉


& Food Creator of Plants,

Health & Environmental Advocate

​Plants 創辦人


健康 & 環保提倡者

Lily 台灣出生,加拿大長大。

原是從事彩妝工作的她,因熱愛甜點,而報名了溫哥華知名烹飪學校 Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts 專業甜點及烘培課程,開始了她對廚藝更進一步的訓練。


溫哥華是個擁有各國美食的城市,學習過程中,接觸到裸食(Raw food),Lily 發現那是她最喜歡的料理方式之一,並且幫助她的身體恢復到健康狀態,之後,除了去洛杉磯知名廚師 Matthew Kenney 所成立的裸食烹飪學校 PLANTLAB 進修外,也去了紐西蘭的有機、植物性、無麩質餐廳 Little Bird Organics 工作,並趁機吃遍美國、澳洲、紐西蘭的植物性飲食餐廳。

所有的人生經驗帶來豐富的文化衝擊及創意,Lily 想把這樣的食物帶回台灣,讓和她有一樣需求的朋友有個安心用餐的地方,同時,也希望能讓更多人了解植物性飲食的重要性。

​於是 Plants 誕生。

Lily, born in Taiwan and raised in Vancouver, Canada. She started her plant-based journey at the age of 17 after adopting a cat.

Originally a makeup artist, Lily felt the urge to pursue her love for sweets, and enrolled herself into the Professional Baking & Pastry program at the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts.

After graduating, she worked at a well-known, fast paced bakery in Vancouver. In the matter of months, after exposing herself to high amount of wheat daily, she developed a serious gluten sensitivity causing physical discomfort and had to leave her job. This twist in her food journey then lead her to discover the wonders of whole and raw food.

Now Lily is bringing plant-based, gluten-free, whole-food to the Taipei food scene. So folks like her, with special dietary needs, can too enjoy delicious food worry-free.


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