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banana bread pancakes 香蕉面包煎餅

Writer's picture: Lily LinLily Lin

I developed this pancake recipe nearly a decade ago, it has been my favourite pancake recipe to date! it's flavourful, moist but not gummy, most of all, packed with nutritious ingredients. it is a complex recipe, some of ingredients that are interchangeable, I will lay those out in the in recipe below.

暗崁了十年的無麩質煎餅食譜終於分享出來啦,不是故意要隱藏這麼久,因為自從高生食飲食(下午兩點前基本上只吃水果)後就很少吃 pancakes,畢竟它是早餐的食物。加上七年前剛搬回台灣生活時很多食材是找不到或非常難取得的,近年因為無麩質飲食慢慢被瞭解後尋找食材變得越來越容易,食譜中有些食材也可以依照方便性更換(會在下方食譜列出來)。

// banana bread pancakes //

serves 3

| ingredients |


1/4 cup brown rice flour

1/4 cup tapioca starch -or- potato starch

1/2 cup gluten-free oats

1/2 cup sorghum flour -or- teff flour

1/2 cup almond meal -or- walnut meal

1 + 1/2 tsp aluminium-free baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 Tbsp flax seeds -or- chia seeds

1 Tbsp coconut sugar -or- palm sugar

1/4 tsp salt

1 tsp ceylon cinnamon (optional)

1 large ripe banana -or- apple, cored

1 + 1/4 cups water

1 tsp pure vanilla extract (optional)


1/4 cup coconut flour (not flakes)

1/4 cup almond meal -or- walnut meal

| to serve |

seasonal fruit, maple syrup or blueberry compote: simmer blueberries and your choice of sugar or maple syrup with a touch of lime/lemon zest and juice, cook until thickened.

| steps |

  1. put all of the batter ingredients into a high speed blender, blend until very smooth.

  2. in a mixing bowl mix together the coconut flour and almond meal, then pour in the batter mixture and combine well.

  3. pour desired amount of pancake batter into a heated and oiled(I used coconut oil) skillet, cook on very low heat until the pancake starts to bubble, takes about a minute or two. flip and cook for another minute or so until cooked through.

enjoy right away with fresh fruit, and your choice of maple syrup or fruit compote.

// 香蕉面包煎餅 //


| 食材 |


1/4 杯 糙米粉

1/4 杯 樹薯澱粉 -或- 馬鈴薯澱粉

1/2 杯 無麩質燕麥片

1/2 杯 高粱粉 -或- 畫眉草籽粉

1/2 杯 杏仁粉 -或- 核桃粉

1 + 1/2 茶匙 無鋁泡打粉

1/2 茶匙 小蘇打粉

1 湯匙 亞麻籽 -或- 奇亞籽

1 湯匙 椰子糖 -或- 棕櫚糖

1/4 茶匙 鹽

1 茶匙 錫蘭肉桂 (可省略)

1 根/顆 香蕉 (大) -或- 蘋果、去籽

1 + 1/4 杯 水

1 茶匙 純香草精 (可省略)


1/4 杯 椰子粉 (非椰蓉)

1/4 杯 杏仁粉 -或- 核桃粉

| 配料 |


| 步驟 |

  1. 將濕食材放入高速攪拌機打至非常滑順。

  2. 取一個鋼盆或大碗加入乾食材拌勻,再把打好的面糊加入並攪拌均勻。

  3. 熱煎鍋、刷上油(我使用椰子油),用大湯勺將面糊倒入鍋中再用湯勺輕輕鋪平,非常小火煎至表面起泡約1-2分鐘,用鏟子翻面後再煎約1分鐘至熟透。


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