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waffle iron hash browns 鬆餅機薯餅

Writer's picture: Lily LinLily Lin

I rarely use my waffle maker, so it's nice to put it to good use. this perfectly crispy hash brown recipe is easy and fun to make. enjoy right away or make a few to keep the fridge/freezer. makes making breakfast or a snack super quick.


shred the potatoes with a food processor, I use a magimix, or a potato grater.

用食物處理機(我用 magimix)或是手動刨絲器將馬鈴薯刨成絲。

add in desired spices, herbs and seasoning.


squeeze the excess liquid out, form the mixture into balls, and cook in a waffle maker.


// waffle iron hash browns //

makes 8-10

| ingredients |

1000 g potatoes, I used a mix of russet & yukon gold

1 sprig fresh rosemary, minced

3-4 cloves garlic, minced, I used a garlic press to save time

1 tsp himalayan salt

extra virgin olive oil

| to serve |

enjoy with ketchup, a sprinkle of salt or any sauce you like!

| steps |

1. Pre-heat your waffle iron.

2. peel the potatoes, or not, your choice.

3. shred the potatoes in a food processor, I use a magimix, or with a potato grater. I prefer using a food processor because it's quick, and also safe for your fingers.

4. combine the prepped ingredients in a big mixing bowl, let it sit for 15 minutes.

5. after 15 minutes a lot of liquid will form at the bottom of the bowl. form the mix into balls whilst squeezing the excess liquid out.

6. brush the iron with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. place one ball of the mixture into the waffle iron, press it flat slightly with your fingers, be careful not to burn them, and close up the iron to cook for around 8 minutes. or until the outside crust is nicely browned.

enjoy right away! these are also great for freezing, separate each layer of hash browns with parchment paper to prevent them from sticking to each other. re-heat in an oven or air-fryer as breakfast or a quick snack.

also, feel free to season these however you like! to make this recipe oil-free, omit the olive oil.

these will take a bit of time to make as you can only cook one at a time. so schedule to make these on a day off, whist prepping other dishes or doing other chores. I really do enjoy multi-tasking (is it just me?).

// 鬆餅機薯餅 //


| 食材 |

1000 g 馬鈴薯、我用了褐皮和黃肉兩種混合

1支 新鮮迷迭香、切碎

3-4瓣 蒜頭、切碎,我用壓蒜器完成

1 茶匙 西馬拉雅鹽岩

適量 初榨橄欖油

| 配料 |


| 步驟 |

1. 預熱鬆餅機。

2. 將馬鈴薯削皮或不削皮都可以。

3. 用食物處理機或是手動刨絲器將馬鈴薯刨成絲。我使用了 magimix 食物處理機,省時間也比較安全。我認為刨片刀或刨絲器都是很容易讓手受傷的工具。 4. 將所有食材放入一個大鋼盆攪拌均勻,靜置15分鐘。

5. 15分鐘後會產出許多水分,一邊用手將馬鈴薯壓成球狀,一邊將多餘的水分擠出。

6. 在鬆餅機上刷上少許的橄欖油,將一份馬鈴薯上進機器烤8分鐘左右至外層酥脆成咖啡色。




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